5 Top 10- Places in the final of the B- Jugend- Italian championship in Roman Ostia.

On November 14th the big title race in the U15 took place in the "Palapellicone". instead of.

470 youngsters of the years 2007 +08 determined the state champions 2021. In The Year 2020 this could not take place due to corona.

Anna Oberhuber (-48 kg) und Nicole Camuncoli (-63 kg) scratched missed a sensation by a hair's breadth. Both came far forward in the tableau, lost then, but fought their way through the repechage to the small final. Unfortunately, her dream of bronze and a place on the podium was shattered defeat, but classified themselves in each case in rank 5. With a 7. Rank also made Eva Costner sit up and take notice at middleweight. Kathrin Mantinger out Rodeneck and Leni Willeit each took rank in the lightweight classes 10. Laura Obojes and Lena Oberlechner placed in their categories each on the 18. Space. Noah Steurer, der sich im Superleichtgewicht auch für die Finalbewerbe qualifiziert hatte, konnte aus Krankheitsgründenals „Hahn im Korb“ – nicht mitfahren.

In der Vereinswertung brachten die errungenen Punkte der Mädels den 3. Rang. Kompliment an Coach Kurt Steurer mit seiner Gruppe für das schöne Ergebnis und das Durchhaltevermögen in dieser schwierigen Zeit.

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