VIII. City of Bolzano trophy

Am Sonntag, 18. November were in the "Glass Palace" at,,de,Tournament of Bolzano, in turn, to the,,de,Judokas from the northern Italian Space and neighboring countries at the start,,de,Years went to the capital,,de,while excellent results were achieved,,de,Gold medals went to Samuel Niederbacher and Gabriel Kirchler in children,,de,in children2,,de,an Anna Oberhuber,,en,Tommy De Zordo and Yasmine Rami in students,,de,an Yasmine Rami,,en,and Tomas Oberlechner in the B,,de,Silver won Sarah Innerhofer,,de,Genta Hussein,,sq 8. Turnier der Stadt Bozen wiederum an die 500 Judokas aus dem Norditalienischen Raum und dem benachbarten Ausland am Start. Auch 32 St. Lorenzner Judoka zwischen 5 and 16 Jahren begaben sich in die Landeshauptstadt. Excellent results were achieved. Mit 6 Goldenen, 10 silver ones, 11 bronzes and 5 The Lorenzner Judo selection took fifth place 27 medals and a great result. Die 6 Gold medals went to Farah Rami, Leni Willeit, Anna Oberhuber, Nicol Camuncoli, Genta Huseni und Samuel Triano. Die 10 Anna Faustini won silver, Obkircher Feichter Moritz, Elias Steger, Anne Dellamaria, Eva Costner, Rene Schneider, Kevin Pichler, Yasmine Rami Hannah Oberparleiter and Martin Scheiber. Je eine von den 11 Bronze medals went to Mara Dellamaria, Samuel Niederbacher, Moritz Wachtler, Noura Rami, Kirchler Nelly, Katia Oberfrank, Gabriel Kirchler, Laura Obojes, Noah Steurer, Ylias Rami and Michael Oberlechner. Rang 5 occupied Lea Regensberger, Sarah Innerhofer, Maja Kirchler, Filip Miladinovic and Tomas Oberlechner. St. Lorenzen was ranked in the club ranking 3 behind the Trentino- Selection and the Acras Bolzano.

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